Even though many types of fungi, algae and microbes can produce ethylene in measurable quantities, it is prudent to just choose the species that can make ethylene in high quantities. Under natural conditions a fungi species can make over 100 ppm of ethylene gas [ Ilag et al 1968 ]. Just imagine what quantities could be produced from genetically engineered varieties. As with Hydrogen, microbes or algae can be genetically manipulated in order to produce ethylene in better amounts of more efficiently. Algae species such as Synechocytis have been genetically manipulated with ethylene response genes that may be similar to plant sources such as Arabidopsis [ Wilde et al 1997 ]. The amount of ethylene produced from algae such as this have then been monitored in heterotrophic conditions (minimal light). Similar growth conditions have been done with algae in order to produce hydrogen gas. In fact, algae can be grown in light or dark conditions in order to produce hydrogen. The idea of microbes, yeast and algae producing manufacturing gases such as ethylene and hydrogen is a novel concept and may be a realistic option dependent upon economics and engineering improvements. Microbes can even produce other valuable hydrocarbon based gases such as isoprene. Isoprene is usually a liquid based hydrocarbon but is also volatile under the right conditions. It is used to make products like rubber. In summary, gaseous sources of biomass from microbes may be logical alternative sources someday to help produce alternative products like plastics, with ethylene being a prime example.
1. "Production of Ethylene by Fungi", Science vol 159 pg. 1357 - 1358, 1968, Ilag L., Curtis R.
2. "Identification of Substrates and Isolation of Microorganisms Responsible for Ethylene Production", Nature vol 240 pg 45-46, 1972, Lynch
4. FEBS Letters vol 406 issue 1-2, pg 89-92, 1997, Wilde A, Churin Y. Schubert H.
Photos taken from Web Album of Picasa
KEYWORDS: Fungi Production of Ethylene, Bioplastics, Polyethylene, Polypropylene, Ethylene Response Genes, Synechocystis, Isoprene, Rubber,
Algal and Microbial Hydrogen Production, Steam Cracking Plants, Hetereotrophic Fermentation